Saturday, July 30, 2016

10 Super Foods to Help You Quickly Build Muscle and Lose Weight

In order to build muscle and lose weight you need a variety of veggies, carbs, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats. In order to quickly build muscle and lose weight you need 10 super foods.


1. Whole Eggs - Eggs are one of the cheapest super foods offering you an excellent source of protein. The cholesterol that we hear so much about isn't a problem. If you have cholesterol problems lower your body fat not the eggs you consume.

2. Flax Seeds - Here's an excellent source of fiber, omega 3, and protein. Grind the flax seeds and sprinkle on your berries or yogurt. Don't use flax oil as it's unstable and has no fiber benefits.

3. Quinoa - In South America Quinoa is considered the king of grains. The fiber and protein in Quinoa is higher than that in oats and rice, plus its gluten free.

4. Mixed Nuts - Nuts are packed with mono and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, proteins, Vitamin e, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. Nuts are dense in calories so if you are skinny and looking to put on a few pounds these will do it.

5. Wild Salmon - Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, as well as providing 20 grams of protein per 100 gram serving.

6. Fish Oil - Taking fish oil can reduce inflammation in the body, increase testosterone levels, and lower body fat. Take 900mg per day. It's hard to get this level eating fish.

7. Berries - Fresh berries are a powerful antioxidant keeping you healthy and helping you to improve your weight loss.

8. Green Tea - Another strong antioxidant and a powerful natural diuretic. It can speed up fat loss, improve blood sugar, and prevent cancer.

9. Water - Something as simple water is considered a super food and vital to your weight loss program, muscle development, and health. You should drink at least 8 glasses a day.

10. Tomatoes - High in lycopene they are an excellent cancer preventer and a benefit in your strength training. You can't eat too many tomatoes!

These 10 super foods combined with an overall healthy diet, a cardiac workout, and some strength training and in no time you'll be pounds lighter. Super foods can help you to quickly build muscles and lose weight. Being overweight is hazardous to your health and to your self-esteem. Why not set your goals and get motivated? You'll be feeling better about your weight in no time at all.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Free Weight Loss Tips - 5 Mistakes To Avoid For Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight? Here we list out some mistakes that you shouldn't let it happens to you.

Weight Loss Tips

1) Never skip meals

Some people always think that skipping one or two meals could help them lose weight faster. In fact, it's wrong. Be noted that dieting is all about eating the right/health food but not starving yourself.

2) Do not refuse to seek help

This is the common mistake for most beginners. Do not hesitate to ask whenever you need any advice or help. Why solve all problems by yourself while you can get better answer easily form doctor or professionals.

3) Never check the bathroom scales frequently

We all are eager to see the confirmation of our efforts in the shape of lost pounds, but it does not mean that we should let this drive us to check our weight everyday. Weight loss is not an overnight process; the daily fluctuations of your weight will only have you depressed and ready to quit your planning. Avoid checking the results too frequent.

4) Do not deny yourself from your favorite foods

Treats are a great way of raising your willpower and determination. Dieting is not about denying yourself from the food you like, it's about a food control methods. So what if you eat something forbidden occasionally, especially if that food is a favorite of yours. If such treats are not frequent, then they will make no different in the long run.

5) Do not rely on your willpower alone

This is another common mistake made by beginners. If you want to know how much calories absorbed by your body, write down everything you eat in a list and analyze it, remove the foods that should not be there. Sometimes hunger can creeps up on you and make you eat something you shouldn't.

Exercise is another best way for weight loss besides diets. Be consistency in your planning, and you will make your dream come true.

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1500 Calorie Diet - Following an Easy Diet Menu to Quick Weight Loss

The key to losing weight is to go on a lower calorie diet than your normal one. Just like most of us you probably have quite a busy lifestyle to start a restrictive diet, so the optimal solution would be the 1500 calorie diet. It is not extremely restrictive, but highly effective. Still, you have to use a few basic rules to make it work optimally.

Quick Weight Loss

Generally weight gain is one vicious cycle that is not easy to get out of. You eat more because you are under stress and take pleasure from the extremely delicious, but very unhealthy foods. Being overweight causes your body to lose its elegance and beauty and as a result you become less confident in yourself and even angered. In turn you get more depressed and you keep eating. What is even worse is that due to your job and daily duties you simply do not have the time to exercise and to cook healthy meals. However, you need to find motivation and stop all this if not for the sake of your looks then for your health. The 1500 calorie diet is the optimal choice.

This type of nutritional plan will not make you starved. This means that you will be less likely to go to any kind of extremes and that you will be able to keep your motivation. The result is effective weight loss - you will be able to fit into smaller cloths plus your belly fat will be gone for good. The general shape of your figure will be much slender and elegant, which always helps for the good self esteem, for the easier and more effective communication and for success in general.

All you need to do is to adopt the 1500 calorie diet, which is diverse, nutritional and easy to keep. It is not true that the more restrictive nutritional plan will provide you with quick results.

The 1500 calorie diet does not involve the exclusion of a nutrient group, but this does not mean that you can eat everything. Excluding the junk food from your menu and reducing the sweets in it substantially is essential for success. It is best to have four to five meals a day - breakfast, lunch and preferably two snacks. Drinking plenty of water also helps - apart from keeping you full and reducing the hunger pangs, it aids the metabolism, which allows for the more effective burning of fat. You can take a ready 1500 calorie dietary plan, but you can also make one of your own. Simply prepare your menu for the week by doing basic calculations. Do not be afraid to exceed the limit by a few calories.

It can be safely said that the 1500 calorie diet is the optimal nutritional plan for any busy modern day woman or man. You can enjoy it and its benefits to the fullest starting from today. The results will be quick to come since your body will use only the necessary amounts of energy without you experiencing any health side effects or general problems.

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